Doc, is it bad
The spec 4 from Teaxas was laying face down on the litter in my aid station with all his clothes cut from his body. His young ass was shining in what little light was to be had. The sound of machine gun fire and the main gun of an M1A1 shook dust from the frame of tent. The youg soldier had been in an ambush initiated with an RPG and floowed up by small arms fire and more RPG's. He had been standing outside his veicle securing the convoy while others in the movement were busy tring to repair a down vehicle. In retrosect he metions that he noticed several men stop and tell children and women something and they would then rush away. Out of nowhere came the unmistakable whoosh of the RPG round followd by a defening explosion that sent him flailing through the air. When he landed the adrenaline prevented him from feeling any of the pain that was to come later so he just gathered his gear and began to look for a target. Amidst the small arms fire and RPGs he found several figures standing in the windows of a nearby building firing at the soldiers. The hero fires at one and the figure disappears. He scans the window for a couple of seconds and nothing else pops up so he moves on to the next window. Again, a figure pops his head up and shoulders an RPG. The soldiers fires and again, the target disappears, n0t to return. This engagement continues for a half hour as the leadership calls for assistance from a QRF. With the additioanl support of the QRF in the form of a BFV and an Abrams MBT the insurgents are silenced forever and the injured soldiers are evaved to out aid station where the story here began.
There is so much more of this to tell, but I will wait for another time. The Soldier is fine in the end and is nominated for a Bronze Star Medal. The saddest thing is that his leadership downgrades the award unofficially because "spec fours aren't going to get BSM's only E-7's and above" and the "he was really just doing his job". Way to go LTC, that is a mighty sword you weild, from the safety of your bunkered office in the protection of the FOB. Have a drink on me you drunk bastard!
There is so much more of this to tell, but I will wait for another time. The Soldier is fine in the end and is nominated for a Bronze Star Medal. The saddest thing is that his leadership downgrades the award unofficially because "spec fours aren't going to get BSM's only E-7's and above" and the "he was really just doing his job". Way to go LTC, that is a mighty sword you weild, from the safety of your bunkered office in the protection of the FOB. Have a drink on me you drunk bastard!