Thursday, September 21, 2006

Still fucking pissed

Fuck Fuck Fuck! Danny Fucking Goddamn Glover! Dumbass stupid fuck nigger! Fuck that sorry ass motherfucking piece of shit! Who the fuck does he think he is? Fuck him and all the motherfucking "celebrities" that think they fucking matter. Get a real goddamn job you fucking leaches! Fuck Fuck Fuck all of you susan sarandens rotten cunt licking fucking shiteating cocks!

Fuck the cocksucking sons of bitches

Who the fuck do these cocksuckers think they are? What the fuck do you mean coming to my country and talking that kind of shit! Ok, so the President is the Devil, how about a littel hell fire and brimstone you ungreatful scum of the third fucking sorry ass world! I want to smell the bunrt flesh of the people of the fucked up countries that send fuking idiots like this to speak on their behalf! We need to thin out the fucking gene pool anyway! God Damn I am fucking pissed! Fuck, Fuck Fukity Fuck you cocksucking mother fuking cunts. FUCK CITGO!!!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Warriors Revenge

Battle sight zero

Cheek to stock weld, breathing control, sight picture, trigger squeeze.....recoil. The round leaves the muzzle with a flash traveling in a high arc loosing velocity and energy as it travels throught the air until it first encounters a thin vail of fabric and then the epidermis. Energy is imparted into the tissue underneath the skin creating and every enlaging cavity as the pressure from the missle explodes vessels, organs and even the cells themselse until it finnaly finds the inside of the skin again. It pushes the skin until it tears and breaks open releasing the pressure and spewing the destroyed meat and bone out the gaping hole.

Thus is the fate of anyone that chooses to stand up to a modern day Patriot in the Global War on Terrorism.

The Ultimate Weapon, A well trained soldier and his (or her) weapon.