Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Damn Capitalist Pigs!

Again, the truth starts coming out. Sounds more and more like socialism everyday. Those that work pay for the sorry fuckers that will not!
After reading this http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061016/ap_en_mu/people_tim_mcgraw
I have to think, "What would Tim have done if he hadn't taken his famous dad's name when he decided to be an entertainer?"
I'll tell you what, when Tim and Faith give their millions to the "have not's" and live on a middle class salary in a three bedroom house in Star, Mississippi then I will believe they mean something more to this world, but until then. FUCK THEM!
My sister was the first in our family to graduate from college and I followed soon after. My Grandfather served in the Army in Korea and worker his ass off to support my father and his two siblings. My father STILL works his ass off at 60 with no end in sight and has a nice home and life to show for it. I went to the Army for the education money, served in two conflicts and finnaly finished my degree.
I have worked for twenty years now to obtain a very comfortable living for me and my family. I will be Goddamned if some fucking entertainer is going to lecture me about the haves and have nots! I already pay so much in taxes that it is pathetic. This entitilment mindset has to end! Work you sorry fuckers WORK! If you have a true disability or are elderly, I have no problem helping you out but other than that, GET YOU SORRY ASS TO WORK! That is how to help end illegal immigration, take the jobs away from the ones that are coming here to do them.

I have never been without employment. There are times I worker three jobs just to get by. I was a full time Fire Chief for a small town and had to help haul hay and watermelons on my days off for "disposable income" (Christmas and birthday presents). I now have a job where I paid more in federal taxes last year than I made during that time. Who got me this job? God and my hard work!

Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong. (But I doubt it!)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

So nuke the bastards

I am harsh, brutal, barbaric and irrational. Now that I have beat you to the punch let me say this:

If these little shit countries want to continue fuck with us then maybe we should remind them that we are the only country that has ever actually used nuclear weapons. Don't think for a minute that if we gave Japan one and if they thought Uncle Kim was about to incinerate one of their cities that they (Japan) wouldn't smoke their Korean asses. The Japs better than anyone understand what these little sun spots can do and you can damn well bet they don't what it to be them on the receiving end this time. So Mr "We have A nuke" remember we have many, along with the operational means of delivery, the worlds most accurate guidance systems and a whole bunch of freedom loving people that will leave your shadow on a wall before we will allow you to do it to us first!